
From Control_Point
Revision as of 09:57, 14 June 2020 by Ecnassianer (talk | contribs)
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Control Point Teams


Control Point


IsTurnedOn: Whether the point is currently enabled and visible in the world.

StartLocked: Whether the control point should start locked or unlocked. Being locked prevents any team from changing the capture state of the point.

InitialControllingTeam: What team controls this point when the game starts.

BaseCapturePercentagePerSecond: The rate at which the point captures when one person is standing on it.

ExtraPlayerCaptureMultiplier: Each additional player beyond the first makes the capture happen this much faster. 0 is no bonus. 1 means the second player will make it capture twice as fast, third player 3 times as fast, etc.

CaptureInstantly: Whether to capture the control point the instant its touched and not blocked.

FullCaptureResponse: How the control point behaves when the capture percentage reaches 100%.

FullyRestoreWhenTouchedByControllingTeam: Allows the controlling team to instantly reset their points to 100% capture if the other team has stopped stealing control from them.

RestorePercentagePerSecond: How quickly captured points regenerate to 100% when no actors are capturing them.

ControlDrainPerSecond: The rate at which control drains when no one is on the point. (See FullCaptureResponse.)

DelayBeforeDrainStarts: How long an unoccupied control point waits before it starts draining, in seconds.

ControlDrainsInstantlyOnceStarted: If true, control will reset to zero the moment no one is on the point.

ScorePerSecondHeld: This amount of score is given out for every second held until Available Score is depleted.

AvailableScore: The maximum amount of score that can be extracted from this point.

Don'tScoreWhileContested: If a point is contested, it won't reward points to the controlling team until it is no longer contested.

Control Point Internals

Single Player Cheats


Capture Results


